Session in English

Elena Bespalova

Counseling online


Individual session: €50 (1 hour 30 minutes).

Appointment and Payment

You can only book an appointment for yourself personally.
To book an appointment please send me an e-mail or reach out on WhatsApp. I will provide you with the range of dates and times available.

Payment: PayPal to or transfer to Alfa-Bank, N26, Revolut (
If using PayPal, make sure the transfer fee is charged to the sender and is not deducted from the payment. Please, check the amount shown in the “Recipient gets”.

100% pre-payment is required to secure the first appointment.
The date and time of the first appointment will be secured after I get the payment confirmation.

Contact details

+353 (87) 467-6266 (WhatsApp, Telegram)

Before the session

I work online via the Zoom app, so you will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access. You can download Zoom client here.

I advise you to test the Zoom client before the session to make sure your device’s audio and video work properly. You can join the test bridge: to test your setup.

Choose a quiet place where you can talk freely and no one will disturb you. Check in advance if you have stable Internet access there.

I recommend bringing water or tea, paper napkins, and a pen and paper if you wish to take notes.

I will send you a link to the Zoom video conference 5-10 minutes before the session starts.

During the session

Everything you tell me during the session will remain confidential and will not be published, shared with any third parties, or otherwise distributed. I also do not make audio or video recordings of the session.

In case you are disconnected from Zoom please try to reconnect using the same link. If you are unable to reconnect, please call or send me a message.

If we are not able to complete the session due to unexpected technical issues like a broken internet connection or Zoom service failure, it can be rescheduled. Please e-mail or send a WhatsApp message and we will find you another slot.

After the session

My main advice for you is to take care of yourself.

Be caring and attentive to yourself, give yourself what you want, and do something good for yourself. If you want something sweet, allow it to yourself. It’s good to get some ice cream or candy that you loved as a child. You can go out to lie on the grass or on a beach if it is sunny outside, or walk in the park and feed the birds. Do something good for your body. A massage or hot tube could be a good idea. Watch your favorite movie, read your favorite book. Do something that makes you feel good and gives you some good energy.

Abstain from making big decisions about your life for at least the next two weeks or better a month. It would be a good idea to refrain from making drastic changes like divorcing your partner, moving to another city/county, leaving your job, etc. unless it was decided long before the session. Wait until your emotional state comes back to normal.

I recommend not discussing what happened during the session with others for the first three days after the session. Give yourself three days of silence, and think about your insights. If you really want to tell someone about the session, write it down to keep it, and share with others and discuss it later.

Observe any changes in your life, and notice what you think or feel or do differently. If your problem is deep and/or going back long to the past, you already built your ways of dealing with it. It would be impossible to change it all overnight. To expedite the process try to focus on occurrences where you actually reacted or acted in a new way, and not on those where you did the old way. Being focused on change will make it easier for you to let old approaches go.

I am available to answer any questions regarding the session for the next week after we met, feel free to ask me, and I would love to answer them.

Good luck!